Chess Quiz


#1. How many squares are on a standard chessboard?

#2. Which piece can move diagonally any number of squares?

#3. In chess notation, what does "Q" represent?

#4. Which piece can make an "L"-shaped move?

#5. What is the objective of chess?

#6. How many total pieces does each player start with in a standard chess game?

#7. When a pawn reaches the opposite end of the board, it can be promoted to any other piece except the king. Which piece is commonly chosen?

#8. What is the only move in chess where two pieces are moved at the same time?

#9. How many squares does a knight move in a single turn?

#10. In chess notation, what does "+" after a move indicate?



  1. Daryl Soboszko August 25, 2023
  2. Baltic Balto August 26, 2023

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